Act Wild: Saving Wildlife in British Columbia
Join the Movement!

Caribou or Wolves – A Balancing Act

Join the ACT WILD Movement
Preserve B.C.'s Wildlife

Attention, British Columbia residents! We urgently seek your assistance in safeguarding our province’s wildlife against the threats of climate change, habitat loss, predation and human encroachment. Together, we can restore the extraordinary natural wonders of British Columbia and reclaim its rightful status as “Super Natural”.

Act Wild BC is focused on creating a legacy of long-term sustainable results through projects that improve the way that we plan, use and restore the landscape.  This means shaping the landscapes to maintain healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.  This type of change takes time so in the interim we we also need to preserve options for this longer-term vision through enhancement, mitigation of impacts and other projects.

Science & Research

In the face of declining wildlife populations, the crucial role of science and research becomes evident in understanding the underlying causes and implementing effective conservation strategies along with land use planning to restore our ecosystems.

Together We Can

Let us unite in our collective responsibility to care for wildlife, for their well-being is intricately connected to the health and balance of our ecosystem. The land and it's inhabitants are the responsibility of every citizen in British Columbia.

Expect Better

Together, we have the power to ignite change by demanding improved land use planning, resource practices and increased funding for wildlife conservation projects, ensuring a brighter future for the precious creatures that enrich our world.

Endangered Caribou
A Balancing Act

Welcome to Act Wild BC, where we delve into the fascinating world of British Columbia’s endangered caribou. Did you know that these iconic creatures are facing a critical threat to their existence? One of the key challenges they confront is predation, primarily from wolves. This natural interaction has gained attention as it adds a layer of complexity to conservation efforts. Striking a balance between predator and prey is a complex puzzle, requiring careful consideration of ecological, social, and ethical factors. Join us in uncovering the remarkable stories of BC’s caribou and the intricate dance of survival they perform in our ever-changing wilderness.

We Take Action. We Ensure a Future With WILDLIFE In It

As thewildlife populations in British Columbia continue to decline, the urgency to take action and secure their future resonates with a haunting reminder of what we stand to lose if we fail to protect these iconic creatures for generations to come.

bc grasslands studiofive

The Story Behind Of Our Movement

At Act Wild BC, we are driven by a deep sense of sadness witnessing the alarming declines in wildlife populations. We share the frustration of many who believe that the government should have taken more substantial action to address this critical issue, now even more complex with climate change. It is essential for people to not only care about the well-being of our ecosystems and the preservation of biodiversity but also to expect better in terms of funding for wildlife management and land use planning.  By coming together, raising our voices, and demanding change, we can work towards a future where wildlife thrives, habitats flourish, and the delicate balance of our natural world is restored. Together, we can make a difference and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

Photo Credits:  Blue Moose Photography, Michelle Obre, Grasslands Studio Five

B.C.’s budget is long on promises for conservation, but short on dollars, say conservation groups

B.C. Finance Minister Katrine Conroy’s new budget promises to take action to protect the province’s “precious ecosystems and biodiversity.” But conservation groups say the government is taking British Columbia’s natural resources for granted, directing an ever-shrinking share of expenditures to the preservation of air, lands, waters and wildlife.

Since 1990, natural-resource management as a share of the total provincial budget has declined, to slightly more than 1 per cent today from about 5 per cent. “In that time, we have added millions of people, with all the related habitat loss and degradation of the land, and then we have reduced funding to take care of fish, wildlife, air, water, trees,” said Jesse Zeman, executive director of the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

B.C.'s Wildlife Deserve Better Funding

Increasing wildlife budgets provides crucial resources for wildlife management agencies to implement effective conservation strategies, including habitat restoration, population monitoring and census tools.

Adequate funding allows for the hiring and training of skilled wildlife professionals who can conduct research, monitor wildlife populations, and implement conservation programs, leading to better-informed decision-making.

A higher wildlife budget can support public outreach and education initiatives, raising awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and fostering a sense of stewardship among communities, ultimately leading to better protection and preservation of wildlife habitats.

Our Mission

Our website is passionately under development, dedicated to shedding light on the pressing wildlife topics of British Columbia each month. Join us in our mission to raise awareness about the heart-wrenching declines in BC’s wildlife. By signing up, you can stay in touch, amplify your voice, and be part of the movement to reverse the devastating trends affecting our precious wildlife. Together, we can ignite change and safeguard the future of British Columbia’s extraordinary wildlife heritage.

Now is the time for all of us to rise as passionate advocates for wildlife management funding. By voicing our concerns and demanding increased resources, we can ensure the protection and preservation of our cherished wildlife. Let us unite, inspire change, and pave the way for a future where abundant funding for wildlife management becomes a priority, securing the well-being of our precious ecosystems and the diverse species that call them home. Together, we have the power to make a difference.