About Us

“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it”
Barry Commoner
old growth forest in bc

The Story Behind Of Our Movement

Act Wild BC is the joint effort of resident British Columbians dedicated to raising awareness about the pressing issues of habitat and biodiversity loss in our province contributing to heartbreaking declines in wildlife populations. Together, we aim to shed light on the challenges faced by our wildlife and wild places, while inspiring visitors to become advocates for positive change.

By following Act Wild BC, you’ll join thousands of like-minded individuals who recognize the importance of protecting and conserving our precious ecosystems. Through education, outreach, and collective action, we can make a difference.

Together, let’s advocate for better policies, sustainable practices, and stronger conservation efforts to ensure a thriving future for the remarkable wildlife and wild places that make British Columbia so extraordinary. Join the movement today and let your voice be heard. Together, we can create a brighter future for our natural heritage.

‘We don’t own the land, the land owns us.”