Welcome to the Movement

old growth forest in bc
american badger and kits

Act Wild BC

Act Wild BC provides a fact based and comprehensive platform to enable British Columbians to inform themselves about issues facing BC’s wildlife today, evident in the observed and marked declines in many of our Province’s native species. Residents of our beautiful Province may be completely unaware that wildlife declines have been observed for decades, with very little being done to reverse the trend. A very complex and diverse set of circumstances have led to the demise of our once healthy and globally recognized natural landscape and the wildlife that depends upon it.

Act Wild BC aims take you on a journey of understanding, to broaden insights on how and where so many species have suffered catastrophic declines.

Within the framework of Act Wild BC, a palatable and data driven collection of information has been made available to help BC residents make their own decisions about how our precious wildlife, habitat, resources, and ecosystems are being disregarded by the provincial government.

Today, the degradation of intact ecosystems continues to threaten the biodiversity we once had in our province. Pressure on our wildlife and their habitat, essential for survival, has never been greater and has taken a backseat on many social, political and economic agendas.

Let’s explore the hard truths and myths surrounding wildlife and develop a greater understanding about the factors that affect their survival. Pressures such as heavy industry, resource extraction , urban development, predation, recreation, road ties, disease, starvation, fractured habitat, agriculture, and economic growth have a direct and negative impact on many species. Cumulative environmental impacts do not happen within a short time frame but are a result of many years of wildlife, habitat and ecosystem neglect.

Has British Columbia taken a leadership role in minimizing cumulative effects? The honest answer is NO.

act wild bc logo

British Columbia has the greatest biological diversty of any province or territory in the country and the greatest number of species at risk.

Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery...

The scarcity of funding and land-use planning prioritizing  science-based wildlife management proves political and economic agendas with little regard for the future of wildlife and their habitat in our Province.

Funding for conservation comes from some very surprising sources including the angling and hunting community, but these important funds fall critically short when needed to improve conservation and promote wildlife recovery in BC. 

We, the citizens of BC, need to make decisions and become accountable for our wildlife and habitat to ensure many future generations can enjoy our once beautiful British Columbia and the abundant and healthy wildlife populations that we are known for.